SMS 5K Fun Run


School (top)

On Sunday, June 2, 2013, Jordyn saw her efforts to create a Girl Scout project that will have a lasting effect on the community take their first steps toward completion. While this portion of her project is complete, she still needs to put into place a plan so this fundraiser will continue for years to come. If she can implement this plan and successfully present her results to the Girl Scouts, she will earn her Silver Award.

The 2013 SMS 5K Fun Run was organized to promote exercise and to raise funds for the Sunnyvale Middle School P.E. Department. These funds will be used to replace old sports equipment. After it was all said and done, this fundraiser was able to register nearly 200 participants paying an entry fee of either $15 or $25 for a gross total (with donations) of $3735. At the end of the day, this event netted almost $2400 for the SMS P.E. Dept..

Jordyn thanking everyone for helping out the SMS P.E. Department.



finish line

Finish line!


Official timer.

medal table

Medal table.


Participants registering for 5K Fun Run.


Stretching out before the start.

heading to starting line

Heading to the starting line.

heading to starting line

Almost time.

starting line

Starting line.

starting line

Look at all the people.


Girl Scout moms finishing the 5K!


Getting the official 2013 SMS 5K Fun Run t-shirt!


Sunnyvale Sun 5/24/13


Girl Scout's 5K event benefits SMS.